Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Men
When your hormones are imbalanced, they can have serious effects on how you feel. Greater than 50% of men over the age of 40 suffer from low testosterone levels and it only increases with age.
So... what is the best age for TRT? It's whatever age you personally need it, as it can improve the quality of your life and offers many benefits.
Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance
Symptoms consistent with low testosterone and other cases of male hormonal imbalance may include:
- Loss of muscle mass
- Increased body fat
(especially in the waist area) - Low sex drive
- Low energy
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Trouble sleeping
- Mood changes
- Brain fog
- Elevated blood sugar
- High cholesterol
- Decreased bone mass

When to consider Testosterone Therapy
Studies are showing that natural testosterone levels in men are dropping at increasingly younger ages. Added hormones to your food, a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol & drug use, stress, and sleep deprivation are thought to be contributing to this earlier decline.
There's no magic age at which you should start thinking about hormone therapy. Since everyone's physiology can operate a little differently, Hormone Therapy could be needed before someone reaches their 40s. Ultimately, the best age for Hormone Therapy is whatever age the specific person shows evidence of needing it.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
- Increased Energy
- Increased Libido
- Fat Loss
- Increased Metabolism
- Decreased Depression & Anxiety
- Improved Cardiovascular Function
- Better Mental Focus
- Better Sleep
- Better Quality of Life

We offer several hormone replacement options for you...
to return your hormones to optimal levels. We will perform an initial battery of labs to determine your therapeutic requirements and follow-up lab testing on a routine basis to ensure levels remain within safe and optimal ranges.
We will work with you to determine which option is right for your lifestyle and to meet your precise dosing needs.
Optimize Your Hormones Now
Get your own regimen tailored to your needs, based on your blood work results and feel better, perform better, and age better!
Book Your Appointment Today